Developmental Editing

Developmental Editing

As a developmental editor, I identify strategies to improve fiction and nonfiction manuscripts at the “big picture” level.

At the story level, I ensure plot and idea development, structural flow, and character arc resolution.

I provide authors with a holistic full-manuscript roadmap to revise for clarity and effective development of story elements.

I assess the story genre and structural beats, characters, theme, point of view, and reader experience and expectations.

Developmental Edit Levels

Manuscript Evaluation

A manuscript evaluation is a cost effective way to identify general story elements that need strengthening and ideas for revision.

  • It includes a full manuscript read through
  • Feedback comments throughout the document
  • Editorial letter high-level review discussing what works and what does not.
  • The letter includes advice on how to revise and the next steps to take.
  • Receive outside resources looking at how to address problem concepts.
Book a Discovery Session

Developmental Edit

A Developmental Edit gets into nitty-gritty specifics of storytelling and concept development.

  • Editorial letter detailing specific ideas for revision.
  • Story tracking spreadsheet deep dive into the development of each scene, chapter, character and more.
  • Sample line edits to demonstrate how language can be revised for impact.
  • Structure changes looking at scene, chapter, and paragraph moves, expansion, and condensing recommendations.
  • Outside resources getting into problem concepts in-depth.
Book a Discovery Session

Book Coaching Sessions

During book coaching sessions, I collaborate with authors to work through writing and revision possibilities.

  • Each coaching session will include pre-meeting prep, where the author submits up to 2,500 words of manuscript for review. 
  • Authors receive writing assignments, live feedback, and accountability to meet deadlines.
  • They receive inspiration, encouragement, writing advice, and support.
  • 1-hour Zoom call where we discuss editorial feedback, craft issues, answer author questions, and plan the next steps.

Session package options:

  • Single session—$250
  • Two sessions, bi-weekly meeting package—$400
  • Four sessions, weekly meeting package—$800
Book a Discovery Session

Getting Started with Developmental Editing

  • During a discovery call, I talk with authors about their challenges and goals.
  • Then I review 5 to 10 pages from their manuscript and provide feedback on what was done well, and what I’m curious about.
  • I present the author with a project fee quote along with sample feedback.
  • Next we will complete an agreement outlining the project scope, due dates, and deliverables.
  • The author will make an initial payment to secure a place on my calendar.
  • When I have completed the edit, we will meet in person or online to hand off the edited material.
  • I will walk the author through the feedback and help them realize the revision process.
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